Friday, March 15, 2013

My Comments on the Washington Post

I read two articles on the Washington Post website and commented. Here they are for you to enjoy! 

I understand that Portman has compassion for his son, yet I do not believe he should back down on what he believes. He can still love his son and accept his decision in life, but he does not have to agree with the ideas of legalizing gay-marriage which would make it alright for others to do too. If I had a son who came to me and told me he was gay, I would love him and him and his partner would always be welcome in my home, however I would not change my views.  Politically and personally, he should have stayed committed to his values.  He should still love and accept his son and his choices, but he shouldn't changes his values that he has shared with everyone.

By: Elizabeth Quincy (voice of freedom)

Here is the link to the article I commented on:

I believe that the Conservative views, given to us by our Founding Fathers, should still be a part of our country.  I agree with Mitt Romney, that our Conservative views can be revived. There is still hope. We can change back to into being the better America that was first established by these wonderful men. Even though most of our society, believes that the Republican Party or Conservative views are gone, there are still good people out there with these values that we can elect to help bring them back. We just need to find them and support them. If our government had high standards, morals and values that the people of this country could strive to live by, America would have more freedom and prosperity.

By: Elizabeth Quincy (voice of freedom)

Here is the link to the article I commented on:

~McKenzie Jane~ 

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