Friday, March 1, 2013

A Little Glimpse of ME!!!!

10 things I know to be true:

~ The Savior lives and loves me.

~ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

~ The Book of Mormon

~ Living prophets are on the earth today.

~ I am a Daughter of God.

~ That humans can Not fly!

~ Food is good!

~ The earth is round.

~ There is a sun and a moon.

~ Nobody is perfect!


10 objects I can't live without:

~ The Mall

~ Earrings

~ My Closet

~ Shoes

~ My phone

~ The Internet

~ Scriptures

~ A huge glass of Water

~ My most comfortable bed.

~ A Wal-mart :)

10 things I should have learned by now:

~ If I ever want to see my stuff again I shouldn't give it to my *hoarding* little sister. (who is super cute!:)

~ That I didn't drop my pocket!!!!

~ That if I start a marathon of Psych I wont be able to stop.

~ That if I put a spoon into a carton of ice cream I wont stop eating it until it's gone.

~ I shouldn't go to bed too late because I need my complete amount of beaut sleep.

~ If you don't bring a jacket to school you will be cold.

~ That people can't read my mind.

~ That I might love something in a store, but not at home.

~ That gullible is NOT written on the ceiling.

~ That chores don't have an experation date.


10 of my greatest fears:

~ Sea creatures in general!!! I wont get into specifics.

~ Eating sea creatures. (oh, wait I just got specific)

~ Face sized spiders.

~ Being naked in public.

~ If I became allergic to Nutella!

~ Peeing my pants....again! (Don't worry I was very little)

~ Jumping from heights.

~ Stains

~ A Ton of Homework

~ My parents getting a divorce.

10 Things that make me happy:

~ My dreams! I laugh hysterically in them or so they tell me.

~ My family

~ My friends

~ Hawaii

~ Desserts

~ Shopping

~ Music

~ Chick Flicks

~ Any good/clean movie

~ Free time. (not doing homework)

10 places I will visit before I die:

~ Europe

~ Africa

~ Austrailia

~ South America

~ Asia (at lest the places I haven't been)

~ Antarctica

~ The rest of North America that I haven't seen.

~ The Moon

~ The Atlantic Ocean

~ The Indian Ocean
(Notice these are all the places possible to visit)

Self Portrait Poem

who is sudious, organized, nice, & foxy 
has brothers and a sister named Austin, Alex, and Maylin
love of freedom, loyalty, and virtue
who feels confident, happy, and hopeful
who needs laughter, love, and a break
who gives kindness, service, and friendship
who fears being alone, failing, and criticism
who would like to see the Savior, my big brother, and Paris
who lives in a small town, with lots of space, and plenty of farms


  1. Great job McKenzie. I loved the list of ten things you should have learned by now, and I most definitely agree that Walmart is one of life's necessities

  2. Your list was really fun to read! I like that you were real and funny at the same time! Walmart made me laugh! Are sisters both like to take our stuff!

  3. Kenzie! You have a fantastic sense of humor!! haha just little things like "Oh wait I just got specific" made me laugh. haha Yep can't live without Walmart! That's for sure! Great job!

  4. I loved essentially everything on your what I should have learned by now list. Ditto to Misha's comment about Walmart. I complain about it on a weekly basis then take my money there and spend it anyway.
