Friday, February 22, 2013

How to make a Thank You Card!

I've done crafts and made cards for people in the past.  It is a fun activity, and it is always nice to do for others. 

The first step is to decide who to make the card for.  Whether it be for a friend in need, a family member whose always helped, or a leader who helped you learn something, it doesn't matter who it is for as long as you make it meaningful and worth giving someone. 

Then you need to gather your supplies.  You'll need craft paper, either colored or designed, writing utensils (Sharpie, markers, pens, colored pencils, or crayons), some type of adhesive, scissors, stickers, stamps, ribbon, and any other item you would like to use to design your card.  You can find these things at your nearest craft store, or even somewhere as simple as WalMart. 

Anyone can make a card, it doesn't have to be extravagent.  You just need to add your personality and creativity, and it will come out fabulous no matter what!  I've never really been artistically inclined, so I like to think this when my cards don't come at as perfect as I want them to. :)

Next, you have to begin actually putting together the card.  It can be any size you wish. Choose your paper, and cut it according to size.

Once cut you just fold it in half with the top side up.  This top side is the part you will be decorating, and you can also decorate the inside too, but make sure you leave room to write your thank you note. 

When I decorate a thank you card this is what I do:  I first start by getting another sheet of solid colored paper that will look well on the base design of your card.  I cut a small square out of that paper, and write "Thank You" in a cute font.  I would reccomend you practice writing before so you don't mess up your cute font. 

Then I glue that paper onto the actual card,  you can center it, slant it, or get creative! 

 Now you can add the BLING!!! 

I love putting ribbon tied in a bow across either horizontally or vertically along the sides of the card.  I also think flowers and buttons are cute decorations.  Stickers can also be used to add to the design. 

Write the thank you note, and sign your name unless you  want it to be anonymous. 

Deliver to the person and hopefully they will think it is as cute as you thought.  :) 

P.S. Don't forget to actually say Thank You!!! :)

Here is an example of a finished Thank You card!

~Kenzie Jane~


  1. Well.... I can tell you are very grateful to everyone ! Your steps are very detailed, but I don't know if I can follow along because it's too delicate for me to follow haha....

  2. wow, you sure do have all the supplies to make cards! with me, it's like, "lets get some scissors that I may or may not be able to find, and cut the heck out of this poor piece of colored paper..." haha. good How-to!

  3. Wow! Really cool! If I was half as crafty as you are I would definataly try that! But I showed this to my much craftier sister and she loved it!!!
