Friday, February 8, 2013

Great Blogs; I would suggest looking at!

 These three blogs are very interesting and I suggest reading them because they are super entertaining, cute, and one that is very thoughtful!

There are five authors to this blog, all lovely young single Brigham Young University ladies.  They share their love for Jane Austen and their experiences that are similar to her novels.  They are clever writers, and their writing is entertaining. 

 Each girl has their own story with a “Mr. Collins,” they are all waiting for their own Mr. Darcy to come sweep them off their feet.  The focus of this blog is all about how dating at BYU is for girls, they tell the cute, the awkward, and the ugly. 

They keep their identities a secret, but you know them by their signature names: The Lady, The Romantic, The Bluestocking, The Closer, and The Coquette.  They give a small description of themselves with a Jane Austen vintage painting. 

If you’re looking for a smile or for twitterpation, read this blog!

This next blog is called Picket Fence Films. It is a blog about a lady named Lily, who is a videographer for weddings and relationships. This site is mainly publicity for her business.
 My favorite part of her blog is the section called “Love Stories.” Here, she posts videos with couples stories of, how they met, their first kiss, and their proposal, etc.  
Something interesting that she does is she gives both sides in the love story.
I think the name of her blog is clever because it gives her viewers the idea of a perfect marriage, hence the name “Picket Fence.”
 I really recommend this blog it has a lot of cute stories and if you need a videographer it’s for that too.

The next blog I reviewed was a blog entitled “Prayers for Rachel.”  It is written by a 17 year old Utah girl who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. She tells about the day she was diagnosed, her feelings, and her health issues.
Each post focuses on what she is facing and how she is dealing with it. You can tell she is scared, but she really tries to be positive and uses humor a lot. She is very personal and is willing to share a lot of things.
 Her blog is really plain. Meaning there aren’t any fancy backgrounds, but considering this is such a serious subject, that is okay and it works. She uses a lot of pictures of herself and her family, especially her twin. It is very touching.
I think this blog is great for anyone because it reminds us life is fragile and we shouldn’t take it for granted. I think for kids our age it is especially great because she is our age and we can relate. She is from Utah and she goes to Primary Children’s a lot, although she does decide to move to St. Jude’s hospital. It is familiar to us and we can really learn for her. She is amazing.



  1. I love you blogs, especially the one about Rachel. It was so encouraging to read her posts, adn to see her beautiful pictures in Hawaii! Her blog gives me HOPE! Her experiences testified that God LIVES!

  2. I must say the first blog about the BYU dates actually made me laugh out loud. Thanks for sharing some great new sites.

  3. I see that you are in to touching and love stories c: Me being diagnosed with TS (Tuberous Sclerosis) I can really relate to Rachel. I was too young to remember it but last year I was having problems with my kidney, it devistated me to find out. It isn't easy to find out you have a problematic tumor, I feel her.

  4. I actually looked at the Austen blog and I chuckled when I read "my life is not a Jane Austen novel". What if it is, and Jane Austen is mysteriously writing more romance novels from the grave. If so, then Twilight would definetely not be one of them (meh just kidding i haven't read Twilight; just seen the campy movies).

  5. I loved your post about Rachel's blog. It's truly inspiring. It is crazy how many things we take for granted in life. Reading her blog helped me realized how blessed we really are and how grateful to God we should be for all our many blessings. We need to thank God for everything even the little tender mercies that we tend to overlook. I love your blog kenize! Your'e awesome!
