Thursday, January 17, 2013

Online Missionaries!

It is good to be friendly to others especially those not of your faith. If we are kind and gain friendships we will be able to lift up others instead of allowing them to badly influence you. Your effective influence can reach farther than you could ever imagine because of your specific talents and your different personalities. The things that you says online may impact others to have a greater day or a better life through the gospel. In order to share the beautiful message of the gospel you need to prepare yourself to understand the basic principles of it. This is necessary to be able to help others understand the truth. This knowledge of the truth should be acquired through studying the original doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the cute graphics you are adding to your posts. They really make your writing pop. You have such a sincere writing style. Keep up the great work.
