Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Perfect Day

The perfect day would be spent with those who love you for who you are ; for your mistakes, your flaws and all your charm. Someone once said, "Nobody is worth your tears, and the ONE who is won't make you cry." I would spend time with people who made me happy, made me smile, and made me laugh because "A day without laughter is a day wasted," according to Charlie Chaplin. I totally agree! :)


  1. That is so cute! I love how you would spend your perfect day with those who love you the most! I also love the Picture!

  2. haha, I love your perfect day! It is very simple, but most importantly straight to the point. Trust and Laughter are 2 very important things with friendship and both must be continually exercised in order to make it grow. Great Post!!

  3. Oh Kenzie you are so sweet. That definitely would be a wonderful day to have! It's too bad every day can't be the perfect day, but then again it's the not so great ones that help us to appreciate the good ones. :)

  4. I love how all that's important to you on your perfect day is that your time is spent with your family. Being with your family will bring the happiest time you could ever have! I love you Kenz!!
