Sunday, February 3, 2013

Personal Reflections

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Mexico on a service trip to a school. It was an extraordinary experience. I grew a lot as a person and really learned. I loved serving the people and creating friendships with the students. My favorite thing that we did would be when we went to the Homeless Shelter and gave the old men the blankets we made. I loved interacting with them and sharing the spirit to let them know they are loved children of God.They were very difficult at times to understand but the Spanish students were able to translate and then we could all communicate. It was great. When we first came in we sang "I am a Child of God" and even with the difference in language I know it touched their hearts.

On this trip I not only got to know other people but I got to know myself. I am a friendly, outgoing, and confident girl, who adapted well into another culture. I learned that I need to serve others and do the Lord's work. That helped me see the importance of missionary work which is what I was born to do. In fact every one in this life was. We should all try to share the Gospel with others through the spirit. If we come to know the doctrine and words first for our selves then we will better be able to be missionaries and share our testimony with others. We can do this on a full time mission or just as a member, but for me I have a strong desire to serve the Lord through missionary work.

I have no doubts in my mind about going on a full time mission, but the things that could prevent me from going on a mission would be the temptations of the world or if I had a different direction I wanted to take in my life, like college or something, but I'm pretty set! The only thing that could totally stop me from going is if I die and go to heaven. Which I guess is kinda like a mission because you get to be with Heavenly Father.


  1. It is important that we live so that we can have the Spirit with us. When we have the Spirit with us we are in a better position to share the gospel.

  2. I think it's awesome that your favorite part was serving at the old men asylum. Mine definitely would have been playing soccer. It's cool that you plan to go on a mission and were able to discover more about yourself by serving others.
